Cost Estimate Tool

For Remodels in the Santa Barbara community

Remodeling your kitchen adds substantial value and enjoyment to your California home, and determining your budget is one of the most important elements in starting a project. In order to maximize your investment, a typical home kitchen remodel should represent between 7% and 19% of your home's value. These numbers are approximate and every project is unique, but from a resale value standpoint, you can expect approximately 75% return on your remodel investment if the budget is within this range.

This budget estimator shows:

  1. The comparison of your budget to the generally accepted numbers in your area.
  2. Approximately how much you will be spending per construction category of your project.
  3. A Materials Allowance column designed to peel away the installation costs, leaving a rough shopping budget.
I am happy to recommend Randy Hahka and his team. They take great pride in their work, which is high quality, on time, within budget and with minimal mess. With many decisions to be made, I especially appreciated Randy's reliability, encouragement and flexibility and his willingness, when asked, to share his insights and advice.
Ellen Duke and Family